Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How do you Write a Blog?

No seriously, where do I start? What should I write about? Ha! I think you are supposed to figure that out in advance. I have been thinking about doing this for a very long time. Seems easy enough right? Do you know what stops me every time? I have a tendency to have, what I refer to as "verbal vomit". I'm afraid that if I don't tell you every single thing about my 35 year long story, then you won't know who I am. Now that is a lot to tell, so then I get overwhelmed shut my computer (or hop on Pinterest) and walk away. So this time, I am committing! Before I get started I would like to state for the record that I am not a writer, an English major, or an expert.....on anything! I plan to keep it honest, genuine, and from the heart. I'm a work in progress, constantly learning and growing.  I simply want to share my story, my thoughts, and my journey with....well, really myself. If you want to come along, that's cool too. it goes. :)

The 3 things you should know about me if you want to know what makes me tick:

I am a woman of Faith

I love when people say this. For me it used to be pretty intimidating. Like "You're what? Oh, I'll be in this group of doubters over here. Later." I haven't always identified myself this way, and sometimes I still forget. So, I'm looking back and wondering how did I make it here, to the point where I consider my first identifying factor that I am filled with faith. I'm thinking two reasons: a) I have spent a lot more time with Jesus this past year. Talking to him, reading the word, spending time with Godly friends, and worshiping (girl loves to sing). I've realized he loves me, and I have the choice to accept that love. b) Frankly......I need to be.
It's been a wild ride, and I need him to be in control or I'll wonder where we are really headed. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". I mean I don't know about you, but I have made some plans for my day, kids, life, etc...and managed to screw them up in royal fashion. Do you have days where it is hard to hope? Days in which you doubt your future? Yeah? ME TOO! I choose faith......I love Jesus, and takes the pressure off.

I love my family!

I am a wife to my sexy and awesome husband David. Our 1 year anniversary is in 4 DAYS! We made it through the first year!!! No seriously, I will be growing old with this man, the love of my life. We have bumps in the road, plenty of them. A lot has changed for us since the day we have met. Inside and outside....we navigate these waters together. Some days we do better at that together thing than others....please see above, the hope and future thing :) Thank God we aren't alone in this. I have two amazing and crazy kids. I have a 10 year old little baby girl (kidding.....she thinks she's 30) and an insanely strong willed red headed toddler. We are a blended family, as in David is Alexis' step dad. Between soccer, work, church life, and chasing Josh all over creation we are busy and need a nap. I know these moments are fleeting though....I have to remind myself DAILY to stop and take it all in.

I am a strong, confident, FIT, and healthy woman!

Uh.......fake it till you make it????? Matthew 15:18 says "But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart" so, I am a strong, confident, FIT, and healthy woman will be my mantra until it is true. For real though, I have struggled with this my whole life. I could write so much here you'd be reading in three weeks, but I'd like you to continue to get to know me so, I"ll keep it as short as I can. I truly believe this is a generational stronghold in my family. My Dad struggled, I struggle, and I'm already watching my daughter struggle. After I had my daughter I lost 100#'s through a ton of time at the gym and weight watchers. What a blessing that was!!! happened, and then I had my son, and I had gained a
bout 40 of it back. I big deal.....I know how to do this! Quickly I realized that hours in the gym with two kids, and a man at home, and a career was not possible. So I quickly hit a wall and got frustrated. David and I got engaged and I was determined to feel confident and healthy at our wedding so I reached out to a friend for help and they steered me to the 21 day fix and Shakeology. Changed my life!!! Got married, changed jobs, and fell off the wagon...AGAIN! Do you see the same pattern I do? Fast forward to now........50 pounds heavier than I was a my wedding, mad at myself, don't have anything to wear, winded and grumpy. I refuse to stay here!!!!! Got it?!?!?! So, I'm recommitting.....for good this time. I figure if I can find a way for myself and others to hold me accountable, share my journey, and conquer this as a lifestyle change than that is a win win. I love building relationships and helping others. I would love for my journey and my plan to inspire someone to embark on their own health focused journey. I would love to do that with someone through faith, hard work, and dedication, If that someone is you, please let me know. Let's connect. I need all the cheerleaders I can get.  

Pregnant With Josh

Right Before Wedding

So that's me in a nutshell :) I promise I won't talk about me all the time. I want this to be a place where I can share my successes and failures on my weight-loss journey, as a mom, wife, and all around human. I hope to share my tips, recipes, and funny stories here and there.

This is totally new to me and I would love your feedback. Please let me know what you want to see or read about, or what you might want to know about me!
