Monday, September 21, 2015

21 Day Fix Breakfast Burritos

I have had a lot of people asking me to post recipes and meal plans and such. One of my major go to's that I get asked about a TON are my 21 Day Fix approved breakfast burritos.

I make a dozen of these suckers every other weekend. I make my husband, David one of these EVERY morning. I can imagine that either you are rolling your eyes because I make him breakfast every morning, or because he eats the same thing every day :)

For the record, let me state, that he has never expected me to make him breakfast. This was something I truly enjoyed doing for him every workday. He is the farthest thing from a morning person you may ever find. I love mornings!!!!

  • In my previous job I was based out of a home office so I had the luxury of having a bit more time in the morning on top of the fact that I'm already up at the crack of dawn. 
  • I'm usually making myself or the kids breakfast 
  • I'm worried that I don't make his grumpy butt something to eat in the morning he either won't eat, or will survive on cookie o's. 

I have asked him a million times if he mind them every workday and he swears he still loves them.
When I changed roles in my work life we had to get out the door much earlier so omelettes and toast were not working anymore, and I had to get creative.

I have made other variations before, you can use spinach, peppers, and onions, turkey bacon, etc.....these are the favorite:

I start by browning 2 packs of Jenni-O turkey sausage, and scrambling and cooking about 20 eggs (give or take) I do not add any milk to the eggs, only salt, pepper, and garlic powder. While this is all cooking up I lay out my dozen whole wheat tortillas on individual pieces of foil.

I am the queen of eyeballing, but I throw about 2 tablespoons of organic salsa (I use a delish version from Aldi) on first. It is helpful if you place this on the upper half of the tort. It will act like glue when you freeze it. 

Next, in the middle I add one orange container (or half of a blue) of shredded cheese cheddar. 
Now that my meat and eggs are all cooked up, I can add them. I use one red container and fill about halfway with turkey sausage, then halfway with eggs.

Then you are free to start wrapping. Fold both sides in and then roll them up! Here is the best part: you don't have to actually be good at this. My husband used to work at a restaurant and he was famous for his perfect wraps. Not me!!! Ha! The great thing is once you wrap them in foil and freeze them they don't fall apart!! Then the cheese melts and acts like glue when you bake them. Even if one busts open while wrapping, it stays together when frozen. I like to just keep one hand on the wrap until I manage to get it all covered in foil. 

Voila!! Pile of healthy, clean, 21 Day Fix approved breakfast burritos!! That is workday, protein filled breakfast for 2+ weeks!

My morning routine: one eye cracked, start the Keurig. Wait for coffee, take sip, open eyes and smile.........grab a burrito out of the fridge and throw it in the toaster oven for 20 mins on 350. Chug coffee, and 20 mins later remove burrito from the toaster, wrap it back up in the same foil it started in. Throw in a lunch bag and hand it to my husband on his way out the door.

Wife matter what happens during the day I can tell myself I made him breakfast ;)

Leave me a comment and let me know if these are a hit in your home, or if you have an questions!



  1. How do you recommend heating these up if you do not have a toaster oven only access to a microwave?

  2. How do you recommend heating these up if you do not have a toaster oven only access to a microwave?
